A new year resolution you can keep

Happy New Year Friends!

new year adam stanley


A new year resolution you can keep

new year adam stanley

Wow. It’s 2015. I can’t believe another year has come and gone. I joined a new company this year. Met dozens of new people. Learned more about myself and what matters. Watched my neices and nephew mature and change. Lost a few of my favorite entertainers. Added a couple of countries to my travel list. Purged a few negative relationships. Made the Crains Chicago top tech list and breached the 5000 followers level on Twitter. Found a lot of gray in my beard that was not there last year. And some things started hurting for no reason. Sigh. Enjoyed several new restaurants. Rejoined a gym and actually went for quite a while. And, most importantly, I ended the year more at peace than I started it.

So now it’s time to start a new year.

New year.

New beginnings.

New perspectives.

New opportunities.

 So what are you going to include in your new year resolution? Here is what I would suggest:

1) Forgive someone this year. Someone once said that it takes a strong person to say sorry, and an ever stronger person to forgive.


2) Fall in love with yourself again. Sometimes your fiercest critic is yourself. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross has a popular quote I love > “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.”


3) Give more. You don’t have to have loads of money to make an impact. Think about what little things you can do to help out others. Give $5 more each month than you have in 2014 to an organization or religious institution that does something positive.


4) Lead on. Mentor someone or commit to being a better boss or team player. Take charge in an area that has chronically lacked leadership. Make a difference.


5) Hug more. Go do it now. Give someone a hug. If you’re not a hugger, just give them a smile. You will change their day.


This is the easy stuff.

Yes, I’m a little bit hoaky. Perhaps idealistic. But I’m pretty sure I won’t go to the gym five times a week all year. I likely won’t lose 20 pounds or find my six pack abs. So, when it comes down to it, the above items are much more realistic!

So, I resolve to do the above five things. Join me, or let me know what your resolution will be. May the year 2015 be your best year yet.

Be Well. Lead On.


new year adam stanley

Adam L. Stanley Connections Blog

Technology. Leadership. Food. Life.

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