Tributes to Grandmothers

Honor them while they are with you …

Thank you to all of you who sent up prayers, shared your thoughts, and emailed or posted words of encouragement. My grandmother is not out of the woods yet, and will likely not be with us for too much longer. I am thrilled that she is out of the hospital and at home now. She is talking and enjoying time with her family. We have meanwhile enjoyed a mini-reunion with uncles and aunts from all over coming into Chicago to be with my grandmother.

Continuing in my tribute to her, honoring her while she is still with us, I found three great poems about grandmothers that I wanted to share. They are written largely from the perspective of a child, an innocence we not only lose but often forget completely as we grow older.  I’m also sharing a few older photos of her that show how beautiful she has always been.

Finally, I would urge each of you to read a great blog I read on regrets people have when they die. I pray that I do not have these regrets and wish the same for you. See the blog here.

Thanks again for your support.

Be blessed and in relationship,


Beautiful Young Grandma

Beautiful Young Grandma


© Michele S. Reeves
A baby cradled in your arms…
Teaching me your gentle charms.
Growing up with you by my side…
Learning from you never to lie.
To understand and not judge too…
Love and kindness I also learned from you.
Through the years you watched me grow…
Teaching me everything I’d need to know.
Listening to every word I’ve said…
And every word I’ve wrote you’ve read.
You’ve been there for me to the end…
Until the day for you, God did send.
Now you watch me from up above…
Shining down on me your heavenly love.
I will miss you with all my heart…
Thank you for being there from the start.

Grandma in Early Years

Grandma in Early Years

One Of A Kind

© Julie B. Bradstreet
The funny beautiful lady
That means so much to me
May be gone from the land of the living
But with me she will always be
Because my memory holds her dearly
And my pen recalls her ways
And most of all I love her
A love that always stays
It stays inside my memory
And is often on my mind
Because a lady like my grandma
Is rare and hard to find.

Grandma in Early Years

Grandma in Early Years

My Grandma

© Bridget A. Miller
The way it smells when she cooks.
When you’re bad, the way she looks.
How she would do anything to help a friend.
The way she’ll stick by you until the end.
She’s one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.
Unless you get on her bad side, then you’re in for a treat.
The way she’ll cheer you up when you’re down.
And how she helps you to turn your frown.
The way she jokes and laughs with me,
Her soul so kind, so sweet, so free.
She inspires me in different ways everyday.
My grandma is wonderful in every way.

Generations: My Niece with Grandma

Generations: My Niece with Grandma