Innovations that are Changing our Industry

My interview on Technological Innovations and CRE

Realcomm/IBcon 2015 Conference in San Antonio, TX

In the interview, I discuss the rapid pace of technological changes in commercial real estate; the use of virtual reality for viewing property; DTZ’s use of analytics to help clients make smarter decisions; as well as the future potential for drones and the Internet of Things. I am NOT a corporate IT leader, which is why I prefer calling myself a Technology Evangelist. While I am proud of the great work we do strengthening the foundation elements that make our business more effective, first and foremost I work for our clients and focus on how we can bring innovation to them. Technology truly is changing, rather disrupting, our industry. It is both fun and frightening to watch how fast it is happening but I am glad to be a part of it.

Other related blog posts:
“Thinking Like Our Ancestors”
Excerpt: At the end of the day, perhaps disruption is a lot more simple than we make it seem at these mega conferences like OpenWorld. Perhaps disruption is simply a relentless focus on consumers: your clients, employees and investors. Dream every night of how you can better meet their needs and there is no way you can NOT disrupt your industry. Perhaps the only way you will get left behind is if you leave your consumers behind. Perhaps disruption is simply about a return to the past.

Facebook, Snapchat, and the new new thing
The bottom line is I don’t necessarily believe the Facebook is in its final days. I do believe, however, the company must drastically rethink their strategy and consider alternatives for growth in the United States. If they truly believe that growth in other markets will counter dramatic drops in USA, I believe that is misguided. Other markets will eventually follow the same path of the United States. Younger users will leave; older users will join the platform at a much lower level of engagement; upstarts will create the next next big thing and advertisers will be tempted away.

Be Well. Lead On.


new year adam stanley

Adam L. Stanley Connections Blog

Technology. Leadership. Food. Life.
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