How understanding grows.

How understanding grows.

How understanding grows.

It is so important to have a balanced group of friends from whom to draw wisdom, knowledge, and perspective. I am blessed to have this in abundance, but I also admit that I take it for granted from time to time. It’s easy to get comfortable with people who think like you, but growth happens when you engage with those who challenge your assumptions.

I encourage everyone reading this to consider who in your circle of trust has a perspective different from yours. Reach out to them and ask them to share their story. Ask questions that go beyond the surface, especially about topics that might seem difficult or unfamiliar. This isn’t about agreeing with everything but about expanding your understanding.

That’s how understanding grows. That’s how hatred is thwarted. And that’s how change begins—by taking the time to listen, learn, and empathize with someone else’s experience. Small conversations lead to larger shifts, and those shifts can ripple outward, creating real change in how we see the world and each other.